Monday, 26 December 2011

Lazy To The Stage

To The Stage by Asking Alexandria
1 side guitar cover . habis malas punya cover ni . Just my Jessica GAX30, laptop, and plugged-in Guitar Rig Metal Preset . no metronome . main gamble ikot dan ja timing . no gear . no amp . sound a bit off-sync . cable sucks and aku tak tido 24 jam pastu cover lagu ni . main mamai2 . awesome !

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Damn Woman

Damn Woman by The S.I.G.I.T.
Tekanan jiwa, stress, depressed, tension...hasilnya ?

*abaikan part vox lupa lirik tu . hahahaha

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Cute but pffft !

Senri Kawaguchi . 14 . Japan .
comel ja . tapi....haih awesome gila !

Friday, 25 November 2011

Unholy Confession

actually bukan nak tayang video cover sangat tapi saja jumpa balik video zaman kanak2 aku . lawok sungguh . siap ada harmonize guitar lagi guna mulut . bangang dan . hahahah$)(#&^*)$_@%(#\

*Ibanez GRX70DX
*time ni aku noob lagi so jangan la condemn ye kalau kantoi tu . heh
*lagi 1 aku pon tak paham kenapa audio dia offset . 3 kali aku upload . haizz

Sunday, 20 November 2011


Guitar . i'm talking about guitar . ada banyak parts yang main peranan untuk menghasilkan bunyi . macam manusia jugak . manusia perlu ada organ . kurang 1 organ ada la effectnya . so guitar pon ada organ2 dia jugak . tapi aku bukan nak mempersembahkan bahagian2 guitar ni sebenarnya motive aku . actually........aku nak menaip . so nak baca kalau baca ja la .

okay . ni 'neck' . dekat neck ni jugak ada frets . frets tu tempat korang nak tekan guna jari tu la . yang ni parts paling penting . tak dak ni macam mana nak main guitar ? kat mana nak letak tali ? kat mana nak tekan ? kat mana nak....ikot suka la nak apa pon . tapi dalam gambar ni ada 'headstock' skali . itu kepala guitar la . kat situ la nak ikat strings . kat situ la nak tune . tak dak menda tu nak ikat kat mana ? takkan nak biar tergantung ? titik2 tu tak penting pon just nak menyenangkan orang hafal fret berapa ja .

aku guna gambar ni sebab aku minat lama dah ibanez studio ni . ergh . tunggu abang aku (zacky ngan syn) nak belanja aku . okay ni 'body' plak . ni pon paling penting jugak . so aku tak tau nak kata mana 1 lagi penting . diorang ni macam family la senang kata . saling rely antara masing2 . harap maaf la bahasa terlalu rojak cuz aku type ja apa yang lalu kat kepalahotak aku . kat body ni consist byk benda like pickups, knobs, selector switch, bridge, strap pin, and output jack . yang lain tu ada lagi tapi tak penting sangat la macam whammy bar, tremolo dan etc . pickup kalau tak dak macam mana dia nak absorb bunyik korang petik ? knob kalau tak dak macam mana nak control volume, tone bagai ? tak dak switch macam mana nak pilih sound pickup depan or belakang or tengah ? tak dak pin macam mana nak gantung strap ? tak dak jack macam mana nak cucuk kat amp ? tak dak bridge macam mana nak hold strings yang cekang terok tu ? yang PALING PENTING tak dak body macam mana nak attach semua menda jadah tu kat body ?

ni ibanez idaman aku jugak . model tak ingat tapi sepupu aku pakai (Cameron liddell, Asking Alexandria) . semat sungguh . okay ni complete guitar la kan . tapi walaopon dah ada semua complete kena ada guitarist pulok . kalau tak takkan dia nak bunyi sendiri ? so nak main guitar pon bukan senang . nak hasilkan bunyi kena tekan guna jari kat fret . oo pastu keluar bunyi la ? kepalahotak anda . kena petik la kat tali mana yang anda tekan tu . baru la bunyi . haih .

okay macam marah pulak aku . aku sebenarnya cuma nak express feeling aku sekarang . tapi aku guna guitar ni la supaya aku tak la mencarut banyak sangat . cuma nak cakap when we put the trust on somebody that's close to us we don't expect them to pull the plug right ? macam guitar ni . setiap parts yang ada kat guitar ni semua ada peranan masing2 (kecuali bentuk2 kaler2 semua tu la kan) . kan aku dah cakap parts2 guitar ni macam family termasok anda la (guitarist). so they rely on each other and support each other in order to produce sounds . so anda percaya kat guitar anda ni 110% ! tiba2 time anda cuba nak berbincang dengan guitar anda tali putus and then cucuk jari anda then jari anda berdarah . what do you think ? how do you feel about that ?

Friday, 18 November 2011

Someone, Somewhere

It was you that told me I could do this,
You put the music in my heart,
And how you sang with the band in Memphis,
It's hard just to be strong,
Not knowing if I've done you proud,
I like to imagine you smile when you hear my songs

- Asking Alexandria, Reckless and Relentless

Thursday, 3 November 2011


They are sick ! sometimes they suck ! because I suck too . but they're awesome . but sometimes they're bullshit .
I can't lose 4 of them . I just can't . 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Sevendust - Waffle

perfectly played . hebak sungguh awek aku ni . she really really can hear every LITTLE thing !

Friday, 21 October 2011


Apa yang jari dia buat tuh . zzzzzzzzz powa !

Thursday, 20 October 2011

To The Stage

Just like before I should've told you again
I'm so sorry 
I'm so sorry
Asking Alexandria - Reckless and Relentless

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Until The End

Weekends on young and angry streets
We meet drink 'till trouble found us there
Living life as without a care
We've had our bouts been black and blue
Its true! I've even gone to jail for you my friend
Bet your life that I'd do it again

 - Avenged Sevenfold , Diamonds In The Rough

Friday, 30 September 2011

Sick #2

Menyesal aku ajar dia ni main drum . last2 lawan tokey . damn tak boring2 aku tengok Drum Cover this sick bastard .

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Often it is fatal to live too long?

KIDS ! I'm gonna tell you an incredible story . The story of how I met your aunty KOBI . It started when I'm 17 in 2007 when I was in the tuition class . I was "studying" back there with my friends . Then a girl enter the room with a confident face . Suddenly she got laughed by the whole class because she enters the wrong class . But that's not your aunt kobi . Then another 2 girls enter the room and sit in front of me . Your aunt kobi was one of them . She has a very long hair . I was playing with my lighter in my hand and suddenly I don't know what's on my mind, I burnt her hair . Amazing isn't it ?? LOL . She hates me since then . kinda like enemy for her but not for me . I'm just having fun that way but doesn't even care her feelings . $%*(&)(*_)$#{"^&$# .

But who says you can't be friends with your enemy ? you see if I didn't burn her hair back there , she wouldn't be my best friend , or maybe I wouldn't be friends with her and in fact , I wouldn't even know her . but kids ! Don't . ever ever ever ever burn a girl's hair . You don't wanna try . But I couldn't recall how I got reconciled with her . Funny isn't it .

She can really talk . Once she opens her mouth there will be no ending lol . So don't mess with her . That was the story how I met your aunt Kobi . Here are some memories we've been through but not much .

Today, 27 September 2011, she is legally 21 . guna legally la sat dengan budak law . Keep running faster and faster until you achieve for what you're chasing . 

"Age is just a number . A very revealing number . But still merely a number . Reckless youth makes rueful age but stay wild ." 
I wish that i have many more YOU ! You've been one of my best friends .
and #tetiba

Monday, 26 September 2011

Just Married

Just got married with my new Jessica . seperti yang aku pernah mention pasal future wife aku dalam entry before aku ada banyak calon . so atas nasihat @HeyAzwan and @saikenzo aku dah pon akad dengan Jessica GAX30 . nama pon bini aku punya suka la nk panggil dia Jessica . for now begini la rupanya . nanti aku nak bawak Jessica ni peg make-over mcm Schecter ZV . tuka fretboard custom sikit , plate 6661 sikit , jadi lah kan . maklong la hantaran Schecter ZV mahal mana mampu nk nikah dengan dia skg . mana tau nnt kaya boleh la pasang bini lg 1 kan . tambah madu . lol .

macam mana Jessica ni dress up and make-up apa yang dia pakai ???
- Masekara GAX Neck Maple Material
- Wig GAX 3-position Pickup/Lever
- Eyeliner Basswood Body
- Blusher 22/Medium frets
- Lipstick Rosewood Finger Board
- Toner Fixed bridge AX1 (H) Neck PU AX2 (H) Bridge PU
- Powder Ernie Ball Super Slinky Strings (9) and Ernie Ball Volume/Tone Knob
- Fake eyelashes Fender Cable with Computer Plug-in
- Baju Ibanez Traveller bag 

Then aku indahkan malam pertama kami dengan software Guitar Rig 4 untuk gadget and effect . pastu soundcheck . awwww! ni la cover malas aku . kthxbye

*malas nak main betol2 boleh ? cukup la mcm ni nk perfect clean lg watpa kan . kata soundcheck .
*percaya please . aku guitarist yang sangat noob .

Once called a weekend

KRASHOUT 2011 . Crossfaith , Set Your Goal and Alesana live in KL . disebabkan aku dah janji nak beraya dgn bro2 Shawn , Dennis , Shane dan lain2 aku terpaksa peg jugak . dari penang sorang pon sorang la . jap g tacing plak bro2 sekalian ni . having a fucking awesome time in my whole life with @elyasfarhan and @lyanamarzuki . 
'before' Set Your Goal VS Alesana (Comel ja muka aku bebai tunggu 2 jam)
mana aku ?
aku depan sekali kot mmg tak nampak la
one of my favourite guitarist bro
dia ni pon awesome
 tu dia gambar 'after' dah tak comel macam before more like zombie

In the end aku berjaya dapat 4 luka di mata, jari, and lengan . bak kata kakak LM: "Entering moshing area is at your own risk" LOL . Bro Dennis dah sms aku before dia janji da dgn aku yang dia akan bg aku nyanyi banyak kali so here it is .

Mana aku ? ( 0:16-0:21 )

 Mana aku ? ( 1:59-2:03 )

Banyak lagi aku nyanyi . penat ah aku nk upload semua . sapa suroh tak peg kan ? hahahaha . i total ftw with Alesana . kthxbye

Thursday, 15 September 2011

A Lunatic's Lament

Darling will you please take a walk with me , we can count the stars till disappear 
I wish you could see you're the only girl I ever dreamed of , are you satisfied

- Alesana

Alesana Fever !

Monday, 12 September 2011

Guitar Rig

Heard before ? Well I don't . Just got it . YES THE FULL VERSION ! terima kasih kepada bro yang bg aku tu . here it is Guitar Rig 4 .
begaya kan kotak dia . tp dapat kat aku dah tak ceni la . kemek sana kemek sini . #tapitakpaa janji CD nice lg . yang dah tau apa ni sila diam . yang tak tau lg ? mai aku nak buat tera . Guitar Rig ni software macam GarageBand tau GarageBand ? alaa hok mcm ada dok ada kat Mac tu ? tapi yang ni lagi gempak ber-megapixel ! jom buat comparison sket .

GarageBand aku tak la dah robek habes2 tapi banyak dah la aku robek . before aku dapat software Guitar Rig tu aku rasa GarageBand ni la terbaik . sbbnya ? dia boleh edit track mcm2 cara . tambah sound effect sikit . arragement . semua la boleh manage dalam track tu . cuma kena plug-in la instrument main baru dapat . effect and gadget tambah la kalau nak sedap lagi .

TAPI ! Guitar Rig ni lagi powa . apa yang GarageBand boleh buat semua Guitar Rig boleh buat . TAPI ! yang lagi best dia more to instrument stuff . dia provide drums preset yang real sound , then Multi-Effect untuk Bass, Guitar, and other instrument, Sound board, EQ , Amplifier output (ini function dia boleh keluarkan output ikot amp yang korang nak . Eg. nak Metal Preset gadget then output Amp Marshall ?? u got it bro u got it .) and all other stuff . Serious gempak tahap BluRay da ni ! nak ajar buat sound tak dapat lg la aku pon tak explore habes lagi . i'll look forward to it . So who says you cant play without gadgets and Amplifier ? Who needs the multi-effect gadget ? you have a recording studio at home! lol .

nak try ? beli sendiri la . lucky me dapat free . aku dah cuba jaya cari tapi tak jumpa cracked version pon . #tapitakpaa aku dah ada . hahaha . serious software ni worth buying ! tapi dah 200USD tu kita tak worth balik la kan . hahaha . tu baru software saja . kalau nak update kena 70USD lg . zzzzzz . siapa kaya sila beli .

Audio Result...

Guitar Rig Overview

Metal Preset

Distortion Preset

Saturday, 10 September 2011


#buatterok sat . sempat sedih kejap sebab birthday tahun ni takdo present langsung . tetiba Micronesia Creative Management buat contest untuk Alesana Meet & Greet pass . @lyanamarzuki ni la yang pulon suro aku masok jugak2 . Pulon la sampai jadi pro spammer dah . hasilnya ?

nice eh ?

Thanks to all . Thanks to all . Thanks to all . Thanks for all the vote . dah takdo present lgsg bole la nak anggap ni birthday present jugak . aku tau ramai pulon untuk aku . tapi #bapadetngat kan nak tolong aku kan . nk sebot semua tak dapat ah jack . 100+ pulok yang vote kan . @SyhdnHssm @shareyzaghazali @hafizabd @lyanamarzuki @elyasfarhan @awadzen @qisnita @saikenzo ramai g lah . penat nak mention semua . macam naik pulak kan kat twitter . ni pengaruh lanaya ah ni aku dok buat blogger ni mcm twitter . hahaha

Friday, 9 September 2011

me FEELING SORRY ? oh no no no

Hayley do understand me towards this song .

we still live in the same town, well don't we
but i don't see you around anymore
i go to all the same places, not even a trace of you
your days are numbered at 24

and i'm getting bored waiting around for you

we're not getting any younger
and i won't look back cause there's no use
it's time to move forward

i feel no sympathy, you live inside a cave

you barely get by, the rest of us are trying
no need to apologize, i've got no time for feeling sorry

i try not to think of what might happen

when your reality it finally cuts through
well as for me i got out and i'm on the road
the worst part is that this could be you

and you know it too

you can't run from your shame
you're not getting any younger
and time keeps passing by
but you wave it away
it's time to roll over

i feel no sympathy, you live inside a cave

you barely get by, the rest of us are trying
no need to apologize, i've got no time for feeling sorry

all the best lies

they are told with fingers tied
so cross them tight, won't you promise me tonight
if it's the last thing you do you'll get out

i feel no sympathy, you live inside a cave

you barely get by, the rest of us are trying

no need to apologize, i've got no time for feeling sorry

Friday, 2 September 2011

September Until October

first of all Happy Raya to all people who read this . sorry head to toe ya . memang aku buat blog ni motive untuk share my music thoughts AND nak offend people tp untuk kesedaran masing2 jugak just in my bad way . my raya ? sucks in a good way . ha cena tu ? sendiri pk . tp tak best pon raya this year #ngangaraya . one and only thing yg best raya this year duit raya aku still dapat . banyak pulok kan . mmg best . terima kasih @lyanamarzuki atas nasihat beliau aku potong rambot aku dan aku nampak umo betol aku skg that is 17 . ya la umo aku 17 baru skg . SPM weh tahun ni ! #buatterok boleh ? ok raya done .

Next SuaraKami
actually ni kerja @lyanamarzuki . aku pon xtau jadah apa event ni .

looking forward to KRASHOUT .

anda ado ? tak do ? boo

then proceed to Rockaway

anda ado ? tak do ? boo lagi

Syoknya raya ! nk beraya dengan bro-bro aku . hahaha . Joining ? Lets go . Not going ? errrrr . booo .

Friday, 26 August 2011

Total WIN !

Girls . Anda teringin butthurt or boobhurt or hurt any part ?
Lets go !

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


This is a call to arms, so grab your guns and get your horses.
Only the dead have seen the end of this fight.
This is a call to arms, so all you fallen soldiers sing with me: death or glory.

So march with me if you believe there's any hope for us.

I've been hiding in these trenches for far too long.
All is fair in love and war, so they tell me.
All is fair in love and war, so they say.

Come on, come on, there has to be a better way.

Get up, get up, let's leave this mess.
I know a place that we can get away from all of this.
Come on come on, get up get up.

I've been dreaming of us leaving everything and everyone we've ever known.

I've been thinking all these visions must be a sign, so hold on and don't let go.
No, we can't leave till you tell me everything.
So come clean, don't talk in tongues. Talk in tongues.
It's time to bring out your dead.
And the skeletons that you've been hiding.
Tell me everything I need to know.
Bring out your dead.

So march with me if you believe there's any hope for us.

I've been hiding in these trenches for far too long.
All is fair in love and war, so they tell me.
All is fair in love and war, so they say.

Come on come on, get up get up.

I know a place that we can get away from all of this.
I couldn't see a thing till I shut my eyes.
I never knew a thing till I lost my mind.
I would sell my soul to know it all, but I held the keys all this time.

I've been dreaming of us leaving everything and everyone we've ever known.
I've been thinking all these visions must be a sign, so hold on and don't let go.

Bring out your dead !

Garage try #1

The S.I.G.I.T.
Lead Guitar - Me
Bassist - Scarl
Drummer - Poo Xeng
Vocalist - Jig
Rhythm Guitar - Unavailable
silap masih bersepah . harap maklong .

Sunday, 21 August 2011


Starting from standard 5 . Pertandingan Hafazan Al-Quran (Me) & Nasyid (@SyhdnHssm)
Memang takda la gambar kan darjah 5 reti aponyepunlahai...
btw aku Naib Johan hafazan negeri ok xD ...  

dari zaman kita tak matang addict Tekken sampai la ImbA Tekken ...
dari aku noob dotA sampai ImbA dotA kerana anda ...
dari zaman mangkaq dulu ...
dari zaman cempegha baru sampai Genting dengan bro2 ...

dari kita travel Genting - Shah Alam - Negeri Sembilan - KL
dari zaman kita buat syok panjat kerachut seminggu 2 kali ...
dari zaman kita buat hensem dalam hutan ...
dari zaman kita tetiba buat syok karaoke (ok agak gay pic ni . hiokhiokhiok)
dari errrr ... boleh la aponyepun haha
dari kita picnic kat R&R (mak pesan jangan keluaq sampai malam)
dari kebetulan bole dapat pikca tayang ketiak ni ...

dari kita mula bergiat into music ...
dari kita beraya ramai rumah member (TAPI ANDA TAK DATANG RUMAH AKU !)
dari kita beraya kat wayang Jusco berbaju melayu ...
dari kita beraya dengan angkatan St. George's
dari kita beraya dok belakang pickup Awang
dari kita sangap nak amek angin pantai tetiba ...
dari kita cangak tunggu awek aku depan Gurney ...

dari kita lepak ngan awek aku kat Queensbay ...

dari kita menikmati angin kuat atas feri ...
dari kita naik bot redah ombak celaka pi kerachut ...
Dari mana yang kita tak dak sekali ?
Conclusion disini ...
Dari kecik sampai besaq kita still bro and i love you !
"what ever you do, don't ever regret it because in the end, it makes you who you are"
- Closer To The Edge MV

Tambah lagi gambar latest !